シンクドッグ株式会社は、企業理念として顧客第一主義を掲げております。 イヌは太古の昔よりヒトのパートナーとして共に歩んでまいりました。 常にお客様の事を考え、最良のソリューションを提供できる企業でありたい、 お客様のNo.1のパートナーでありたいとの思いを社名に込めました。 徹底した顧客目線でお客様の求めるもの・お困りごとにお応えしていける企業であるよう 社員一丸となって取り組んで参ります。
Engineers with excellent knowledge and qualifications will support you by visiting the position you want. The engineer who visits, along with achievements and experience, has set up an in-house career improvement plan and is striving to improve the technology and knowledge that evolve day by day.
We provide web system development, cloud-type application deployment support, operational efficiency, and labor management solutions. We provide ongoing IT technology suggestions and support to adapt our customers to the usual tasks that are often overlooked.
There is also a design team. Utilizing the power of copywriting and design, we will help you with the "solution" of each project.